Sabado, Nobyembre 26, 2022

 Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your support to our initiative sending a child to school and providing them a singular gift for life. Education is often the only way wherein poor families will be able to rise-up from poverty but without the needed resources, attaining a good education is often only a dream. There is a need to provide for resources such as money for tuition, transportation and food for children and their families. This reporting period, we focus our support to helping them with vegetable seedlings as a sure way to improve their food supply. Vegetables are proven to be easy to grow and will produce food in the very short term. Aside from food the practice here is to sell the surplus to neighbors thereby generating much-needed cash for the family. This reporting period we are able to distribute seedlings to 120 families and we are hoping to increase our beneficiaries as we approach the holiday season and more are generous to give. Again thank you so much.

Very sincerely yours,

Jed Christian

 Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your support to our initiative providing for the health and nutrition of children and youth. In our work, we found out that the growing of vegetables is one of the best way wherein the health and nutrition of children and their families are boosted. This is because vegetables are easy to grow, there is also the availability of organic manure that families can use in order to fertilize their crops. This reporting period we focus our support to the provision of vegetable seeds and organic fertilizer to interested families prioritizing those with malnourished children. We were able to provide inputs and technical assistance to 170 families and we hope to increase the number as we approach the holiday season and we hope that more donors would give. Again thank you so much.

Very sincerely yours,

Jed Christian

 Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your support to our initiative assisting children with disabilities. We thank too our numerous off-line donors and supporters whom we also acknowledge in our blog since we cannot thank them in this site. This reporting period we focus our support to the provision of food supply by means of vegetable gardening in the home. We included entire communities who are interested in the effort not only children with disabilities. In this way many could benefit from the initiative. We provided a total of 120 families with vegetable seedlings instead of seeds. Seeds are very tiny and sometimes when we provide them they are not planted but are lost. Again thank you so much for your support. Next reporting period we will be including the provision of chickens and goats that farmers can raise. 

Very sincerely yours,

Jed Christian

Martes, Nobyembre 8, 2022

 Dear Friend,

Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our project training and engaging the youth to undertake permaculture or regenerative agriculture. The farming population is aging and the youth is not encouraged to engage in farming finding it not attractive financially. They opt to find work in the cities and with their skills not fitted for jobs in the cities, they end up more destitute. Our aim is to infuse to the youth the passion for farming by showing them success in the industry and providing them with starter inputs so that they are able to start smoothly. This reporting period we are producing vegetable seeds that young farmers will be able to use in their own farms as we found out that access to good quality seeds is becoming scarce and limitied. Hoping for your continuing support. Thank you very much.

Very sincerely yours,

Jed Christian Sayre

 Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your continuing support to our project supporting youth who are undertaking permaculture or regenerative agriculture activities. We are trying our best to advocate to the youth the practice of permaculture because the possibility of income spread is wide as opposed to monocrop agriculture which is the common practice. We are facing an uphill struggle in promoting this because the mind-set of people is already focused on single-crop and high-chemical agriculture and we hope slowly we will be able to change this. During this reporting period we establish a small demonstration area whereby we are using waste materials for examples car tires for crop growing. We also recycle organic farm waste into fertilizer so that the dependence on purchased fertilize is less. Hoping for your continuing support to our initiative. Thank you very much.

Very sincerely yours,

Jed Christian Sayre

 We will provide fruit and timber tree seedlings of Philippine high-valued and most important fruit and timber trees to poor farmers in order to improve biodiversity and combat climate change. We will also provide technical assistance and training as well as organize them so that they will be able to secure good markets for their produce.

For full details of this project, please see,